--俄罗斯边境对 85 个国家开放,您可以通过以下链接查看俄罗斯官方旅游网站提供的列表中的国家/地区:
https://tourism.gov.ru/en/conten ... n-until-may-01-2020
--飞往莫斯科的航空公司有:土耳其航空公司、阿联酋航空公司、迪拜航空公司、阿斯塔纳航空公司、塞尔维亚航空公司、阿提哈德航空公司、阿拉伯航空公司、卡塔尔航空公司、海湾航空公司、以色列航空公司、亚美尼亚航空公司、FlyOne、SCAT、乌兹别克斯坦航空公司、索蒙航空公司、斯里兰卡航空公司航空公司, 蒙古航空公司
We hope you are very well, we are writing to you regarding the current situation in Russia, where unfortunately there is a lot of misinformation about what is happening here. For this reason we would like to clarify and tell you what is the panorama that is being experienced within the Russian Federation.
In Russia today:
--Russian borders are open to 85 countries, you can see the countries in the list offered by the official Russian tourism site at the following link:
--Restaurants, hotels and museums work normally. Currently a QR code is not needed to enter them.
--Our company accepts payment in dollars, euros or rubles that are made from any country since the bank we use is outside the list of banks affected by the sanctions imposed (SWIFT).
--Airlines that fly to Moscow are: Turkish Airlines, Emirates, FlyDubai, Air Astana, Air Serbia, Etihad, Air Arabia, Qatar Air, Gulf Air, El Al, Air Armenia, FlyOne, SCAT, Uzbekistan Airlines, Somon Air, Sri Lankan Airways, Mongolian Airlines
--It is possible to exchange currency at any bank without problems.